Looking for the old comic?

Hello, internet ghosts and aged fans looking for some spark of hope. Good news, Astray3 is returning!!! The long night will soon be over. But, as you can tell I’m a little rusty at the internets. Not joking, this will be a rough rehabilitation process. In the meantime, check out the new Astray3 Facebook page for updates. You can also read the old comic at a mirror site setup by fan Nestor. http://komikksu.com/astray3mirror/www.a3classic.com/index.html

That is it for right now. Thanks for stopping by.


6 thoughts on “Looking for the old comic?

  1. Welcome back!

  2. I’m so glad you’re back!

  3. Yay! So glad I kept the Astray3 bookmark around, just in case… and look here now!

  4. And this is why I never unbookmark comics, no matter how long dead they are. You never know when something interesting might happen 🙂

  5. well this has made my day, look forward to your return

  6. Hey there! Glad you are interested in this project of yours again. I have been out of the loop since your comic stopped updating, but I absolutely loved it 🙂

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