Hello, internet ghosts and aged fans looking for some spark of hope. Good news, Astray3 is returning!!! The long night will soon be over. But, as you can tell I’m a little rusty at the internets. Not joking, this will be a rough rehabilitation process. In the meantime, check out the new Astray3 Facebook page for updates. You can also read the old comic at a mirror site setup by fan Nestor. http://komikksu.com/astray3mirror/www.a3classic.com/index.html
That is it for right now. Thanks for stopping by.
6 thoughts on “Looking for the old comic?”
Welcome back!
Christopher Vear
I’m so glad you’re back!
Yay! So glad I kept the Astray3 bookmark around, just in case… and look here now!
And this is why I never unbookmark comics, no matter how long dead they are. You never know when something interesting might happen 🙂
wily geist
well this has made my day, look forward to your return
Hey there! Glad you are interested in this project of yours again. I have been out of the loop since your comic stopped updating, but I absolutely loved it 🙂