Sadly, this will be another one update week. I have high hopes for next week though. ( Given the pattern, I wouldn’t bet on it. )

This chapter is putting up a bigger fight design wise than I initially predicted. Basically, each update has multiple props, sets, and characters that need to be created. As you can imagine that slows down production. I think updates will speed up once we get everything fleshed out. 

Onward and upward,


Still dealing with some of the fallout form the previous week’s illness. So, only one comic update this week. I’m hopeful to have two for you next week since my normal work schedule is resuming. 

A brief reminder that the translation for this page will be posted here on Saturday. The Patreon comic post will be made public in about two days for those who want to read it early. The Patreon version of the post will usually have some notes and comments from me attached. If you want a little extra info on what’s going on with the comic. 

All the best,


Cute strategist, beloved battle pet, or a mid-fight snack. You decide!

When I’m not working on the comic I usually experiment with digital painting….to later use on the comic. Up until now I have only been posting these pics on my social media accounts. So for funsies, and site fodder in-between updates, I’ll start dumping some of the miscellaneous artwork here in the blog section. 

By the way, there is a process video posted over on the Patreon page for public view.

There will only be one update this week. Had a bout with a stomach bug recently that put me way behind on comic related work. I will shoot for two new updates next week.

All the best,

The Management.

Translations for Chp3 pages 3&4

Interesting bit of trivia, the above format is how all Astray3 pages are planned and intended to be presented. I based it on British and European comic formats. Maybe not the wisest format for easy publishing…

Oh, the memories…

We have finally arrived at “that” portion of the story. For new readers this maybe confusing. The inhabitants of the Astray3 world speak their own, and varied, languages. This gibberish can be translated via simple symbol cipher as depicted in the above example. ( This would be Gomradese in the comic’s current form. Too bad the comic this post coincides with is Murbish. )

Now, we are all busy people who probably don’t have the time to decipher silly languages featured in an obscure internet comic. For this reason, there will be a few ways to read a translated version of the comic. However, since the comic is being presented in it’s “ideal” form in the comic area, these translations won’t be readily available. The quickest way to read it would be to join the Astray3 Patreon. A translated page will be presented with the initial post there. ( Along with some in depth notes about the page.) Consider it a perk for the folks who help pay the comic bills.  After two days the comic post will be made public on Patreon. You can read it there without paying. Finally, for you who hate the Patreon thing altogether, I’ll post the translated pages for each week here in the blog section. These will go up on Saturday.

Thank you for reading and supporting Astray3!
