Process vid will be on Patreon in a few days.

Hello readers,

There won’t be a comic update for Thanksgiving week. Hope all my U.S readers have a happy turkey day. I’m still aiming to reach comic update one hundred before 2018 runs out. As such, I’m not announcing a Christmas or New Years break just yet. ( I’ll need to do the math first. )

In other news, I’m starting to renovate the old Astray3 art. It’s been over a year and it’s time to slap a fresh coat of paint on the old shed. Look for changes to happen throughout the remainder of 2018. ( And probably into 2019. )

Also, I’ll soon make all the concept art and character info public on the Patreon page. I’ve decided to stop putting exclusive content behind a paywall. You will still have to view it over on the Patreon page. ( So, temptingly close to that donation button. ) I’ll drop an announcement here when that change takes place. 

That is it for now. See you next Monday.

All the best,
