Hello Astray3 readers,

No comic today. Astray3 chapter 3 page 37 will post next Monday. ( Probably jinxed it now. ) However…I have some VERY good news this update.

The final push to prepare for my first convention show is virtually finished. YES, prints and books have been ordered. ( They should be arriving in the next few weeks. ) The booth set up is ready. And my last art obligation for the event is wrapping up today. At last, this proverbial creative kidney stone is going to pass. Hallelujah!

The new books and prints will debut at the upcoming Death Ray Expo. Afterward, I will set up an online store for everybody else to purchase copies. ( How I’m going to do that…I have no idea. Comixology versions are still in the works too. If that is more your jam. )

Death Ray will be the first of a series of local comic/illustration events I plan to attend this year. Depending on their success/failure, I’ll start branching out to further events. ( Today Hot Springs, AR. Tomorrow, THE WORLD! Speaking of which, I’ll be at Spa-Con in September! )

Naturally, with all this extracurricular work wrapping up, the focus will be returning to the comic. The current priority is to wrap up chapter three ASAP. Then I will spend some time prepping it for a print version. With chapter three in the can, work will then begin on chapter four. ( Working title for next chapter is “Enigma.” A clue for any WW2 history buffs. Easily google-able too. ) I’m still considering how to approach the preliminary work. I’ll make a formal announcement once I’ve worked it out.

That is it for now. See you next week!

All the best, -Eldon

Hello folks,

Yup, Astray3 chapter 3 page 36 will be delayed for a bit more. It’s taking longer to work through than I initially estimated. My revised update estimate will be some time on Saturday. I’ll publish as soon as it is complete. The translation will post at the same time.

I suspect updates will be a bit random in the rush to finish the chapter by the end of the month. This is primarily due to wedging in more show work between comic work time.

I’m currently considering the schedule for when Astray3 chapter four starts. Current thoughts are that Astray3 might go on break in June to prep for the new chapter, organize a print for chapter three, and wrap up work for the show. Chapter four will be a doozy that requires some prep time. ( I might as well build a buffer at the same time. So, we can get back to some semblance of consistency. )

That’s all for now.

Be back soon,


Cover for the upcoming Astray3 chapter 1 & 2 print.

Hello Astray3 readers,

This week’s update will be pushed to Thursday.

If you don’t follow any of my social media accounts, then you might not know that I’ve been working on some print projects; two to be exact. One will be a limited print run of the first two Astray3 chapters. The second will be an art booklet containing some of the miscellaneous stuff I create between A3 updates. ( Check out the cover for that below. )

The planned premier for these books will be at the June 29th Death Ray Expo show. https://www.stubs.net/event/2481/death-ray-illustration-print-expo

After the show, the remaining books will be available for purchase online. Depending on demand, there might be additional print runs. ( However, they’ll eventually be discontinued when the final book one collection is ready for print. ) There will also be Comixology versions created for your digital perusal.

That’s all I got for now.

All the best,


Art booklet cover.