A horrendous little video celebrating the launch of the Astray3 chapter 3 book.

Hello Astray3 readers,

This will be a short post to quickly update you all on what’s happening with Astray3.

First, the great site redesign is currently taking place. However, the new wordpress theme does not support the old theme’s comic structure. I will have to reupload all the comics made thus far. ( Not to mention the other little hiccups that might occur during the transition. ) This should all be done by the end of the week.

As we bid farewell to the old theme, what will the new site design have in store for us? For starters, how about easier comic navigation and reading? The new theme will make it easier to select chapters, find specific characters, and much easier to navigate the comic pages. ( I had some complaints that the old site was a pain to navigate and hard to read. ) The new layout is also simpler with the comic separated from the main page. I hope this will improve the experience for new and returning readers.

And now for the best news, with the site redesign soon to be finished, I’ll be getting back to working on the comic. It’s been grueling the past several months as I’ve ground out a bunch of side work. But, the site redesign is the last stop on the roadmap. When it is finished, work will resume on chapter four. Unfortunately, we are still a few months out from the official relaunch. On the bright side, I will start posting teasers for the new pages shortly after work begins.

That is it for now. I’ll make another post when the work is done.

More art soon,
