Yes, once again I’ll be illustrating a whole month of monstrous ladies, dangerous dames, and brutal babes. Consider this a teaser. HEY, Wal-Mart AND the Dollar Store already have hallowee decorations on the shelves. Why not me?

So much work to set up for more work…

Hello A3 readers,

Finally, some news on comic progress. Preliminary layouts for chapter 4 are done. It’s a whopping 58 pages; including an epilogue that is around eight pages long. However, that’s a bit long for the current individual chapter printing scheme. Thus, I’ll be chopping this baby in half Solomon style. The first 30+ pages will be Enigma part 1 and the second half and epilogue will be Enigma part 2.  ( As an interesting bonus fact, chapter four was supposed to be part of chapter three. But….yeah, I thought it was too long then. Yowza! ) 

The remainder of September and a chunk of October will be spent writing/designing the first 30-page chunk. Page posting will begin once I have around five pages in the can. ( 1 month of updates. ) I predict that should be around mid-November or the beginning of December. This should guarantee at least two months of consistent updates before the inevitable delays begin. Expect to see the print version mid-2020. ( The second Interstitial book too…probably. )

Next week is Spa-Con in Hot Springs, AR. After the convention is when the official Astray3 online store will be set up. I have no idea where it will be hosted yet. Either Etsy or another store hosting site. There will be a discount for current Astray3 Patrons. If/when I figure that out. 

Lastly, next year will be full of convention stops. I’m still working out the kinks of my booth. Check out these new shots of my custom signage. 

That’s it for now. I’ll be dropping some Patreon exclusive design work soon. ( I only charge when comic pages are posted. So, you can join for free until chap 4 officially begins. ) Look for new art updates soon….one right after this as a matter of fact. 

All the best,
