Hello all, The 3D model for the Serpentina hovertank is here! This design was a long and arduous development. I had to learn a ton about Heavy Gear’s scale relative to all the other models. But, the players seem to be reacting positively.
This time we see the CGL Warhammer blazing away at a poor Thunderbolt!
I’ve had the discussion with Tex several times about reconciling the many different versions of a mech. The basic idea we came up with is the ‘local contractors” concept. These chassis see non-stop combat for hundreds of years over thousands of warzones. Logic would assume that there’d be various military contractors vying for maintenance contracts. Thus, a contractor would do refits, restorations, maintenance, and overhauls from parts they could source locally; and this doesn’t take into account battlefield and merc tech fiddling. In this way a Warhammer traveling with a mercenary outfit might look completely different from one used for a planetary garrison. Disregarding a mech of Theseus situation, the Warhammers might have only a few surviving components in common.
I think this is a tidy excuse for using whatever art we see fit for an episode; and I can play with all the designs.