Hello all,
This project isn’t ready for the light of day yet, but I feel like celebrating a wee bit. I’ve been working on a casual tactics/strategy board game for 1-4 players. I just finished illustrating all the map tiles; 19 of them to be exact. It’s a big milestone for the project.
I won’t be releasing too many details about the board game project until the formal announcement in a few months. But, for now, I will say that it’s a fast-playing, whacky and colorful game.

Look for more news about it in mid-March or Early April.

Hello all,

Sarna’s Monthly News post went up today. And there’s a new piece of art for the more opinionated portion of the piece.

No joke, I once worked for a customer support line. I can really empathize with our poor put-upon Quickdraw.

Link here: https://sarna.net/news/ #battletech

Hello All!
Continuing the TTBT retelling of Terry Ford and Number 7’s saga.

It’s said that Terry Ford’s maintenance skills were lacking. But, if he could keep Number 7 functional after years of close calls and near destruction then he must have been a technical savant.

Also, a thing to contemplate, is it really “luck” if it just prolongs the suffering?

More Number 7 art soon!

Hello all,
TTBT Charger art time.

Two pictures from the sad tale of Terry Ford and his Lucky Number 7. According to Sarna, he had a couple of kids to carry on his legend. I wonder if they ever look for their pop’s old mech.

The story continues next time!

It’s Sunday. Let’s partake in a moment of silence to look back upon our lives and consider how best we can…

It’s time we got back to Tex Talks Battletech Charger art.

More to come!

A very shiny Annihilator from a recent commission.
It was supposed to be a quick project…it was not.

More Tex Talks Battletech Charger art!
Poor Charger picked a fight with a group of rough-looking Heavy Mechs. Unfortunately for the Charger, they can probably keep up with it.
More TTBT art soon!