One last piece of UrbanFest art.

Even an Urbanmech can dream of being something more than a mere humble urban fighter. This illustration is for a section in the book detailing a chain-cape defensive item that can be worn in various ways.

Lots more art to come!

Hello all,
A recent commission for Robin over at She asked me to create a BTversion of the old X-Com hidden movement screen for her campaign.

The good news is that Mechwarrior’s bad day is about to end.

P.S. Special thanks to Robin, she has given me permission to sell prints of this art. So, look forward to seeing them in the shop soonish.


Hello all,
Something simple for our penultimate cap to the TTBT Terry Ford art.

Number 7 thinks it’s time for one final DFA attempt. Who knows, maybe there’s a LongBow down there.