A quick update for this week. First the good news, I’m finally wrapping up some of my side projects. This will allow me to again focus on comic production. Bad news, there won’t be a comic update this week. With all the extra work I haven’t made any progress on page 34. I hope to have the next update ready by Monday.
And with some luck, there will be extra goodies to show too.
This week’s Astray3 update will be postponed till Thursday. As you know, I’m juggling several illustration projects. And sadly, this weekend wasn’t as productive as I would have wished.
It’s safe to say that irregular updates will be the norm until June is behind us.
No, Astray3 update this week. I’m working on the second chapter cover this week and want to get us back on the Monday schedule. Thus, look for a new comic update coming on April 8th. We should be wrapping up chapter three this month. After that, there may be a short break due to the sheer amount of new designs needed for chapter four. Astray3 chapter four will be a doozy. A lot of threads will be coming together and old friendships will be renewed. Look forward to it.
Today’s update will be postponed until this evening. The art and most of the lettering is done. However, I’m still fine-tuning some of the writing. Sorry about the delay. Who knew it’d be so hard to write for an overgrown parrot?
This will be another Thursday update week. Yes, the delays continue. I’m trying folks, but there is a ton of work to get through before this train gets back on track.
On a positive note, I’ve finally dropped a bunch of designs on the Patreon page. About six character designs with a short paragraph going into depth about each one. Worth checking out for background story info. They might also give you an idea about why some updates take longer than others. It can be read for free here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/massive-astray3-25622930
And as an added bonus, here are some Procreate pics I worked on last week.
As stated above, this week’s update will drop on Thursday. Expect shifting updates to be the norm for the next couple of months. I’m playing catch up with a lot of non-comic production duties. The above being an example.
The above image will be the cover for the first Comixology collection of Astray3 chapter one. If I can manage it, each chapter will be posted on Comixology for easier reading on mobile devices. ( And another way for folks to support the comic. ) This also means more comic delays as I move onto the artwork for chapter two. ( Chapter three will soon follow. )
I’m also preparing for the Death Ray Expo in June. ( https://www.facebook.com/events/hilton-garden-inn-fayetteville/death-ray-illustration-print-expo/783748332000043/ ) Yes, I’ll finally start looking into attending shows and conventions. It will still be some time before the first Astray3 print book is ready for purchase. But, I’m laying the groundwork for that with these early shows. There will also be a shop for various Astray3 tchotchkes and assorted sundries soon. Look for that after the June show.
That is it for now. See you Thursday!
And a bonus! Procreate practice from last week. Enjoy!
No comic update this week. I’m currently working on Comixology versions of the first two chapters of Astray3. The above artwork will be the cover for the first chapter once finished. Chapter two will also have a custom cover. Of course, all this artwork takes up comic production time. As such, expect continued delays on comic pages till this work is wrapped up. ( I’ve been putting this work off for waaaaay too long. ) Please excuse the delays.
In other news, Astray3 chapter three will be ending soon! I estimate we are about five pages away from the start of the next chapter. Chapter four will be the last in the currently planned first Astray3 book. ( This will be followed by a short epilogue. ) Yes, this year will see the first assembled Astray3 book. I have no idea how to fund the first printing run yet. I’m considering either a short kickstarter campaign or possibly just a straightforward pre-order period. I’ll keep you all posted on further developments.