Weekly update for Jan. 21th ( No comic update this week. )

Hello friends,

I’m pushing page 26 to next Monday; January 28th. By my estimation it won’t be ready in time for Thursday and I’d like to get back to regular Monday updates. This leads to the greater problem of keeping updates on a consistent schedule. However, I don’t see that changing without at least a month long break to rebuild a hardier buffer.

How do you readers feel about the pace of Astray3 updates? Would you like to see the comic continue on a week to week basis allowing for occasional one week gaps? Or Month long update breaks to guarantee consistent updates for several months before another break is required?

Let me know in the comments.

Be back soon,


And here are some Procreate pics from the previous week. Enjoy!

Weekly update for Jan. 14th ( It’ll be another Thursday update week. )

This posted on the Patreon page a few days ago. It’s worth visiting there from time to time to see new stuff first. https://www.patreon.com/posts/gomradi-profile-23935633

Yup, it’ll be another Thursday update week. The “inks” and writing are done, but the colors will need some time yet. I’m optimistic that we’ll be back on Mondays next week. However, that shouldn’t be taken as a guarantee. In the meantime….ummm…here is a miscellaneous digital painting experiment picture.

See you Thursday,


Weekly update for Jan. 7, 2019 ( Comic will post Thursday! )

Check the new “GOODIES!” page at the upper right of the page. Enjoy!

Hello once again dear friends and Astray3 readers! Welcome to a new year for the comic…..and we’ll kick it off by being late with an update. This week’s update will post on Thursday. The holidays have taken their toll. But, alas, they are over and it should be smooth sailing going forward. I’m also working on some new production methods for creating the comics. ( Here’s a hint….it has something to do with the above image. )

On the issue of update lateness, I remain committed to posting one page a week. Monday will be the usual day for the update. Unfortunately, the reality is that A3 comic production is complicated and getting moreso. ( OR I might just need some rest to prevent burnout. ) Late updates are inevitable and might become a regular thing. I’ve pretty much given up on maintaining a buffer under current time restraints. So, a general rule of thumb going forward will be that if you don’t see an update on Monday it’ll be coming Thursday of the same week. And as always, I’ll try to keep you forewarned of delays in this section that no one reads. ( I assume… )

However, it isn’t all gloom and doom. There is a new addition to the website! A “GOODIES!” page! In there you will find the first of a series of desktop wallpaper images in several formats. I plan to make one themed for each chapter. Obviously, this first one is based on the beginning dream sequence. It was a fun experiment to reinterpret the scene with my current skill set. ( I do think that section of the comic holds up pretty well! ) These take a bit of time to create and really cut into my normal work flow. You shouldn’t expect a chapter two background for a few months. At the least.

That is all for now. See you Thursday!


Profile: The proud Gomradi. Empire builders par excellence.

The Braymarch of Phuungahi and his mate.

Hello all, the new background article for the Gomradi is up on the Patreon page. You can read it for free there. Also, I’ve finally unlocked the previous lore articles for public viewing. Check out the links below to go straight to those previous lore pieces.

There are a ton of old character designs still locked behind the paywall. Eventually, I’ll open those up to the general public too.




Sadly, no comic this week.

While the page art is complete, lettering will not be finished in time. As such, I’m pushing this week’s page to Monday. Sorry about the wait.

However, it’s not all bad. I’m working on a new coloring method that will premier with the next update. I’ve been looking for a system that creates a greater sense of solidity and volume while not increasing the workload. ( …by too much anyway. ) I think I’m finally getting close to that goal. But, we will see what you readers think.

See you Monday,


Weekly update for Dec. 17, 2018 ( Comic will be late! )

Death-Ray Comix Anthology Issue #1
Death Ray Expo Anthology #1 is now available at the Big Bot Design store!

As stated above, this week’s comic update will be late. It should land on Thursday. Sorry for the delay. Let’s blame it on holiday activities disrupting the workflow. ( Not to mention a weird wordpress bug I ran into when updating recently. ) 

Sadly, I won’t be hitting #100 before the year is out. The change in comic formatting and numbering soaked up the additional updates. ( I will be seven comics short. ) However, I will stick it out by making sure there will be comic updates each remaining week of 2018. There might be a short break in January. I will keep yall posted on that. 

Also, on the Patreon side of things, the new Gomradi lore piece is also delayed. Principle art is about done and should post this Saturday. The poll to pick the next topic will be posted shortly afterwards. If you are a patron you can vote on the next topic!

In the meantime, the process vid for the last Muradjinn pic is ready to view. Check it out below!

Created on Procreate by Eldon Cowgur…as if I needed to tell you that…

That is all for now! See you Thursday.
