October creature girl triple feature!

I’ve been working on a series of monster girl digital paintings for October. Click on each picture to take you to the process video on Patreon. Enjoy!

Suggestions for this one were Mangler fish and Angler-bish
The rare bit of fan art. Psycho Jenny rom the Devilman series. 

Weekly update for Oct. 15, 2018

Hey everybody! It’s time for a quick update on the comic. October has turned into a busy month for yours truly. Obligations just keep stacking up. But, your plucky comic creator pal pushes ever onward. 

As all you early bird readers have probably noticed, comic updates have been lagging a bit. That’s because production has been coming down to the wire lately. There is currently no buffer. I’m considering a series of one week posting breaks to build up a small buffer. I will try to offer some advanced warning when those breaks will happen. 

Lastly, an announcement ahead of the formal announcement. All Patreon posts will be made public starting soon. I will make a post here when they are all switched to public viewing. This will unlock all the previous character design posts and exclusive background info for everybody to view.  

Until next week dear readers,


Weekly update for Oct. 1, 2018


…..or thereabouts.

As you see from today’s update there are going to be some changes to the comic for year two. Starting today Monday updates will be double sized to compensate for the once a week schedule. This will allow each comic to contain the same amount of story content as the old double posts while giving the art more room to breath. 

This isn’t a radical change for the comic. The new size represents the format I used to plan the old double updates. I’m simply eliminating the half sheet restriction and developing it as a whole.

An example of the original update format.

I have a few other things planned for A3 year two. I will post an update with additional details soon.

See you then,
