A3 Chapter 4 page 3 teaser!

Hello Readers,

Here is another teaser for the upcoming Astray3 chapter 4. Work continues apace. I hope to be on course for a New Year release.

On a side note, I’ve started offering commissions. If you would like to have me draw some purdy pictures for you, please contact me at eldon@astray3.com. Rates depend on production time and detail. Here is a piece I created for a client’s D&D loving girlfriend’s birthday.

Next, I will be producing a series of small prints based on Capcom fighting game girls! For the first subject, I’ve chosen Felicia from Darkstalkers.

That’s all for now, more comic panels and art soon.

Till next time,


Sneak preview panel from the first page of chapter four.

Hello Astray3 readers,

There is a new post on the Astray3 Patreon page featuring panels and concept art from the next chapter. The post is public! You can read it for free by clicking on the following link. THE TOTALLY AWESOME ASTRAY3 PATREON PAGE!

I will be posting more previews and concept art there in the lead-up to the next chapter’s release! Stay tuned!

Till next time,


Hello Astray3 faithful,

It’s been a while since I posted an update on the main page. So, here is a massive update to get yall caught up.

I’ll lead with some good news. New Astray3 pages are in production! I dropped a new character design post on the Patreon page. Check it out! No need to be Patron. I’ll be dropping some panel sneak peeks once the first pages are finished. Stay tuned!

Now, here is a ton of Procreate art! I’ve also been participating in Inktober 2019. There may be a big post for those soon.



So much work to set up for more work…

Hello A3 readers,

Finally, some news on comic progress. Preliminary layouts for chapter 4 are done. It’s a whopping 58 pages; including an epilogue that is around eight pages long. However, that’s a bit long for the current individual chapter printing scheme. Thus, I’ll be chopping this baby in half Solomon style. The first 30+ pages will be Enigma part 1 and the second half and epilogue will be Enigma part 2.  ( As an interesting bonus fact, chapter four was supposed to be part of chapter three. But….yeah, I thought it was too long then. Yowza! ) 

The remainder of September and a chunk of October will be spent writing/designing the first 30-page chunk. Page posting will begin once I have around five pages in the can. ( 1 month of updates. ) I predict that should be around mid-November or the beginning of December. This should guarantee at least two months of consistent updates before the inevitable delays begin. Expect to see the print version mid-2020. ( The second Interstitial book too…probably. )

Next week is Spa-Con in Hot Springs, AR. After the convention is when the official Astray3 online store will be set up. I have no idea where it will be hosted yet. Either Etsy or another store hosting site. There will be a discount for current Astray3 Patrons. If/when I figure that out. 

Lastly, next year will be full of convention stops. I’m still working out the kinks of my booth. Check out these new shots of my custom signage. 

That’s it for now. I’ll be dropping some Patreon exclusive design work soon. ( I only charge when comic pages are posted. So, you can join for free until chap 4 officially begins. ) Look for new art updates soon….one right after this as a matter of fact. 

All the best,


A horrendous little video celebrating the launch of the Astray3 chapter 3 book.

Hello Astray3 readers,

This will be a short post to quickly update you all on what’s happening with Astray3.

First, the great site redesign is currently taking place. However, the new wordpress theme does not support the old theme’s comic structure. I will have to reupload all the comics made thus far. ( Not to mention the other little hiccups that might occur during the transition. ) This should all be done by the end of the week.

As we bid farewell to the old theme, what will the new site design have in store for us? For starters, how about easier comic navigation and reading? The new theme will make it easier to select chapters, find specific characters, and much easier to navigate the comic pages. ( I had some complaints that the old site was a pain to navigate and hard to read. ) The new layout is also simpler with the comic separated from the main page. I hope this will improve the experience for new and returning readers.

And now for the best news, with the site redesign soon to be finished, I’ll be getting back to working on the comic. It’s been grueling the past several months as I’ve ground out a bunch of side work. But, the site redesign is the last stop on the roadmap. When it is finished, work will resume on chapter four. Unfortunately, we are still a few months out from the official relaunch. On the bright side, I will start posting teasers for the new pages shortly after work begins.

That is it for now. I’ll make another post when the work is done.

More art soon,


Procreate sketchins’

Hello readers,

Astray3 chapter 3 is in the can and trundling it’s way to a print version. If some of you think it ended a bit prematurely, you would be correct. Originally, the combined chapters three and four were supposed to be the end of the first planned big book of Astray3. However, around 30 pages seem to be the best fit for the individual print version. So, I cut the big chapter in half. Chapter four will be the final for the collected big book and include an epilogue.

Speaking of chapter four, where is it? As the last several months have proven, updates have gotten erratic due to all the extracurricular work I’ve taken on. ( Like prepping for books and shows. ) Also, it’s time to update the website and build an online store to sell the aforementioned books. Thus, chapter four’s release will be delayed for a few months. This will give me time to improve the website and rebuild the buffer. As mentioned in the title, here is a roadmap…if recent video games have taught me anything, people LOVE roadmaps.


Tasks in order:

• Finish up and prep chapter three for it’s print debut.

• Renovate the website to make it much easier to navigate and read.

• Create a web store. ( And maybe start offering commission work. Don’t hold your breath though. )

• Build a one to two-month comic buffer. This will merely forestall inconsistent updates given the increased production time. But hey, at least we can have regular updates for a few months.


In the meantime, I’ll be dropping sneak previews of upcoming pages here and on the Patreon page as work progresses. Plus, if you live in the Northwest and Central Arkansas area I will be doing multiple comic conventions. ( Death Ray Expo, Arkansas Comic Con, and Spa-Con respectively. ) Depending on the success of these shows, I’ll look into expanding to neighboring states.

That’s it for now. Stay tuned for more updates as we head into the BIGGEST chapter of Astray3 yet!

All the best,
