Working on the Thursday comic at the time of this update, but I doubt it will be ready in time for a double week. I’ll probably hold it over till next Monday to guaranteed we get a double week in then. 

See you then,


Sadly, this will be another one update week. I have high hopes for next week though. ( Given the pattern, I wouldn’t bet on it. )

This chapter is putting up a bigger fight design wise than I initially predicted. Basically, each update has multiple props, sets, and characters that need to be created. As you can imagine that slows down production. I think updates will speed up once we get everything fleshed out. 

Onward and upward,


Still dealing with some of the fallout form the previous week’s illness. So, only one comic update this week. I’m hopeful to have two for you next week since my normal work schedule is resuming. 

A brief reminder that the translation for this page will be posted here on Saturday. The Patreon comic post will be made public in about two days for those who want to read it early. The Patreon version of the post will usually have some notes and comments from me attached. If you want a little extra info on what’s going on with the comic. 

All the best,


Oh, the memories…

We have finally arrived at “that” portion of the story. For new readers this maybe confusing. The inhabitants of the Astray3 world speak their own, and varied, languages. This gibberish can be translated via simple symbol cipher as depicted in the above example. ( This would be Gomradese in the comic’s current form. Too bad the comic this post coincides with is Murbish. )

Now, we are all busy people who probably don’t have the time to decipher silly languages featured in an obscure internet comic. For this reason, there will be a few ways to read a translated version of the comic. However, since the comic is being presented in it’s “ideal” form in the comic area, these translations won’t be readily available. The quickest way to read it would be to join the Astray3 Patreon. A translated page will be presented with the initial post there. ( Along with some in depth notes about the page.) Consider it a perk for the folks who help pay the comic bills.  After two days the comic post will be made public on Patreon. You can read it there without paying. Finally, for you who hate the Patreon thing altogether, I’ll post the translated pages for each week here in the blog section. These will go up on Saturday.

Thank you for reading and supporting Astray3!


First, a sneak peek from the coming chapter.

Now, for the relevant topic. A special thanks to you who support or have supported Astray3 in the past. It means a lot and keeps the work grinding ever onward. I have been contemplating ways of rewarding contributors without gating off any pertinent story content. Which is tricky given the myriad of ways readers can make donations.

The principle way to contribute is via the comic’s Patreon page. ( ) Which is great, Patreon has a variety of tools to help manage bonus content. Buuuuttt…given some recent events, readers may have some misgivings about the service. So, it’s understandable if potential patrons are hesitant to use it.

Another way to contribute is via the paypal button that appears with comic posts. You can make a one time or recurring contribution using that service. Just look for this button…

[wpedon id=”123″ align=”center”]

Sadly, I haven’t really investigated this option and have no clue how to deliver exclusive content with it. It is an easy way to contribute if you already have a paypal account though.

With that in mind, there are going to be a few changes to the Patreon coming up. The comic and the new Tangent side series of works will be free for public view. Nothing is going to change with the primary story content. However, Patreon patrons will start getting exclusive updates of background/developmental material. Weekly sneak peeks, like the above image, along with supplementary work like character designs with some creator insight thrown in.  The Patreon only charges for comic updates. Which makes now a fantastic introduction period! Astray3 won’t be posting comics till March. Meaning that you can enjoy the bonus content for free until the comic starts posting again in March. ( I’ll make an announcement about the official return date beforehand. )

I’m still trying to think of a way to reward non-patreon contributors. Please comment below if you have an idea.

And that is all for now.

Thanks everybody,



“ And there she goes. “

Xaun kicked the air like an anxious child. Her eyes still focussed on where the prismatic swirl had winked out of existence. With a mischievous smirk she spoke obliquely to her companion.

“ What shall we do with ourselves now, Cyrus? “

The seemingly older man instinctively knew the real turmoil boiling under Xaun’s carefree demeanor. The real fear she was obviously trying to hide. After all, Cyrus was fighting down the same rising anxiety.

“ Let’s not dwell on that. Why don’t we make the most of the time we have left? “

She made an exaggerated show of mock relief. Cyrus might not be able to assuage Xaun’s dread, but he could distract her for awhile. Maybe long enough that they wouldn’t notice it when it happened.

“ No, how about we make the least of it. I can never process the time difference between here and there. It’d be a shame to get involved with anything we can’t finish.“

Xaun languidly turned to regard him. Her lavender eyes searching his face. Was she looking for

a sign of his own despair? Cyrus met her attitude in kind. Casually leaning on the record shop’s sign, he presented a wry smile.

“ Well then, I understand this area was underwater about 65 million years ago. Should be a beach around here somewhere. “