October creature girl triple feature!

I’ve been working on a series of monster girl digital paintings for October. Click on each picture to take you to the process video on Patreon. Enjoy!

Suggestions for this one were Mangler fish and Angler-bish
The rare bit of fan art. Psycho Jenny rom the Devilman series. 

Sardrakus & Left-tenant LiverDish

Cute strategist, beloved battle pet, or a mid-fight snack. You decide!

When I’m not working on the comic I usually experiment with digital painting….to later use on the comic. Up until now I have only been posting these pics on my social media accounts. So for funsies, and site fodder in-between updates, I’ll start dumping some of the miscellaneous artwork here in the blog section. 

By the way, there is a process video posted over on the Patreon page for public view. https://www.patreon.com/posts/sardrakus-and-20808527

Looking for the old comic?

Hello, internet ghosts and aged fans looking for some spark of hope. Good news, Astray3 is returning!!! The long night will soon be over. But, as you can tell I’m a little rusty at the internets. Not joking, this will be a rough rehabilitation process. In the meantime, check out the new Astray3 Facebook page for updates. You can also read the old comic at a mirror site setup by fan Nestor. http://komikksu.com/astray3mirror/www.a3classic.com/index.html

That is it for right now. Thanks for stopping by.
