You should definitely check out (if you haven’t already) and grow your comic audience even more. It’s geared specifically towards games, artwork, comics, anime, and cool stuff like that. You can also publish ad spaces for other users to bid on and earn $, if you have a website (which obvi you do). Keep up the good work.
Glad to see this back! It was one of the first webcomics I ever read. Sorry I left some translations on early pages before I realized the format Liking the rewrite so far!!
Thank you Dranorter. Luckily I just caught your emails in my inbox on the other account. I’m happy you like the new version and found it somewhat easy to navigate. I also appreciate you taking the time to translate some of the pages. That’s fantastic. Unfortunately, not a lot of people enjoyed it…thus the cheat version was created. Also, sadly, my life has changed quite a bit since the last page was posted. I’ve recently taken up a lot of freelance illustration work and it’s killed my comic time. I do hope to wrap up the fourth chapter this year and an accompanying epilogue. Let’s keep those fingers crossed.
Greetings, Eldon;
Any possible alien font packs in the works? Also, have you considered guest/ghost writers/designers/illustrators/inkers/color artist delegation/outsourcing/assistants to keep this galaxy-class ,fantasy rollercoaster ride moving? I’m willing to learn, sign NDA’s, etc.
Hello Cory,
Thank you for the interest in Astray3. The comic is a labor of love that’s pretty much a solo job. So, I haven’t considered soliciting help from anyone else. And, unfortunately, other freelance work has taken up my comic production time for the immediate future. ( I really need to update the page blog more. ) I hope to wrap up the fourth chapter and epilogue next year. ( Which maybe optimistic. ) As for alien font packs….I haven’t really thought about that. Interesting idea.
13 thoughts on “Astray3 chapter 4 page 24”
Ah, Intervention. Is this anyone we saw in the old comic with a new look, or a new person altogether?
The answer to both of those questions is… “Maybe?”
Foxy Loxy wants to invite everyone to her place to continue this
Well, there is at least one person who is being “invited.”
Comicad Fan
You should definitely check out (if you haven’t already) and grow your comic audience even more. It’s geared specifically towards games, artwork, comics, anime, and cool stuff like that. You can also publish ad spaces for other users to bid on and earn $, if you have a website (which obvi you do). Keep up the good work.
Glad to see this back! It was one of the first webcomics I ever read. Sorry I left some translations on early pages before I realized the format
Liking the rewrite so far!!
Thank you Dranorter. Luckily I just caught your emails in my inbox on the other account. I’m happy you like the new version and found it somewhat easy to navigate. I also appreciate you taking the time to translate some of the pages. That’s fantastic. Unfortunately, not a lot of people enjoyed it…thus the cheat version was created. Also, sadly, my life has changed quite a bit since the last page was posted. I’ve recently taken up a lot of freelance illustration work and it’s killed my comic time. I do hope to wrap up the fourth chapter this year and an accompanying epilogue. Let’s keep those fingers crossed.
Cory Caserta
Greetings, Eldon;
Any possible alien font packs in the works? Also, have you considered guest/ghost writers/designers/illustrators/inkers/color artist delegation/outsourcing/assistants to keep this galaxy-class ,fantasy rollercoaster ride moving? I’m willing to learn, sign NDA’s, etc.
Hello Cory,
Thank you for the interest in Astray3. The comic is a labor of love that’s pretty much a solo job. So, I haven’t considered soliciting help from anyone else. And, unfortunately, other freelance work has taken up my comic production time for the immediate future. ( I really need to update the page blog more. ) I hope to wrap up the fourth chapter and epilogue next year. ( Which maybe optimistic. ) As for alien font packs….I haven’t really thought about that. Interesting idea.
Hey Eldon! I really enjoy your comic. Looking forward to when you have time to post the next update.
Thanks! I hope to have something for you folks this year.
Great stuff so far, can’t wait to see what’s coming next. There is more stuff coming right?
I’m glad you like the comic and my work. But, I’m afraid it’s on a long hiatus after robots ate my life.
I’m sorry. I’m disappointed too.